Friday, October 9, 2009

Last Day of Bachelor / Bachelorette - hood

This is it, my last day of bachelorhood (and of course Laura's last day of being a bachelorette). I am marking this momentous occasion with the wrapping of gifts, the writing of cards, and the figuring out of last minute wedding details ... very bacheloresque.

It's amazing that we've actually physically made it to this day. Miracles of existence aside, just getting through work at our various jobs, getting all of the planning wrapped up, and dealing with the absurd number of phone calls and e-mails we've been getting has been nothing short of astounding.

I wanted to take this brief opportunity to send a digital thank you to the people who worked to actually get us here. First off, to Laura's mom Lisa who worked, I would say, heroically, organizing basically this entire wedding from her home in Texas. And also to Laura's dad John who had to put up with her while this was all going on. To Laura's Aunt and Uncle Angela and Kevin who were there to plan the wedding shower, pull together photos, house 70% of the Lacci clan for the wedding, and really just do whatever else was needed. And of course to my parents for all of their help with planning, wrapping hundreds of apples, contacting people, and coaching me through the last few months.

Now with the sap out of the way we can talk reception. For those invited to the rehearsal we're looking forward to seeing you tonight. And for those invited to the wedding, we're definitely looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. The reception dinner details are in a prior post but herein I also wanted to note a few additional food related details. The cake will be a carrot cake with a cream cheese filling. Igor at the bakery guarantees that I am going to love this cake, because he uses only the freshest carrots. Along with the cake we are providing a candy bar which will consist of 10 varieties of candy, some of which you may recognize as a bit of a nostalgic throw back (wax bottles with juice? Always a good time). Finally, right around 11-11:30 we are having pizza and bread sticks delivered from Papa John's for those of you who have partaken a bit too heavily in the open bar (or those of you who just like pizza).

See everyone tomorrow

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