Friday, October 9, 2009

Last Day of Bachelor / Bachelorette - hood

This is it, my last day of bachelorhood (and of course Laura's last day of being a bachelorette). I am marking this momentous occasion with the wrapping of gifts, the writing of cards, and the figuring out of last minute wedding details ... very bacheloresque.

It's amazing that we've actually physically made it to this day. Miracles of existence aside, just getting through work at our various jobs, getting all of the planning wrapped up, and dealing with the absurd number of phone calls and e-mails we've been getting has been nothing short of astounding.

I wanted to take this brief opportunity to send a digital thank you to the people who worked to actually get us here. First off, to Laura's mom Lisa who worked, I would say, heroically, organizing basically this entire wedding from her home in Texas. And also to Laura's dad John who had to put up with her while this was all going on. To Laura's Aunt and Uncle Angela and Kevin who were there to plan the wedding shower, pull together photos, house 70% of the Lacci clan for the wedding, and really just do whatever else was needed. And of course to my parents for all of their help with planning, wrapping hundreds of apples, contacting people, and coaching me through the last few months.

Now with the sap out of the way we can talk reception. For those invited to the rehearsal we're looking forward to seeing you tonight. And for those invited to the wedding, we're definitely looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. The reception dinner details are in a prior post but herein I also wanted to note a few additional food related details. The cake will be a carrot cake with a cream cheese filling. Igor at the bakery guarantees that I am going to love this cake, because he uses only the freshest carrots. Along with the cake we are providing a candy bar which will consist of 10 varieties of candy, some of which you may recognize as a bit of a nostalgic throw back (wax bottles with juice? Always a good time). Finally, right around 11-11:30 we are having pizza and bread sticks delivered from Papa John's for those of you who have partaken a bit too heavily in the open bar (or those of you who just like pizza).

See everyone tomorrow

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Details Correction

Hello all,

For those of you closely following the site, I wanted to point out a correction to the event details which I've made. Initially it was noted that the reception would end at 11pm CST. The actual end time is in fact 12 midnight CST. The departure times for the shuttle bus runs remains the same.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Wedding Party

The long awaited (and long since promised) Cast of Characters page is up on the site. A few people have yet to send in their information but we have a quorum which made it definitely worth getting it out there.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sale Update

Not to be presumptuous about people purchasing wedding gifts, but for those graciously planning on doing so, I thought I would send an alert that the china at Bloomingdale's just went on a 50% off sale, so ... now would be the time to buy it if you're on the fence.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two Hour Tux - Done

According to Laura I apparently just spent more time picking out the tuxedos for the wedding then she spent picking out her wedding dress. That seems sad but I'm not sure on which side. The problem with the tux rentals vs the wedding dress is, with the wedding dress there is one decision to make ... with the tuxedos, there's 20 decisions to make. It was quite the 2 hour process but it's done.

Tuxedos are coming from Men's Wearhouse. The picture to the right is the groomsmen vest. The subtle gold perfectly complements the blue of the bridesmaids dresses. We're going with the long tie, I felt it was a less DB look that the bow tie.

Coat is straight black, 2 button, with flat front pants (pleats for some reason never sit particularly well on me). Shirt is white with the classic tux style pleats which we really don't get enough opportunities to wear (weddings and Dracula costumes).


Monday, July 20, 2009

Mass Music

Met today with Maura (Laura's cousin and one of the vocalists for our wedding) and Mary (the organist at St. Mary's Parish) to hash through the music selections for the wedding Mass. Here's the final list we came up with after much less deliberation than anticipated:

  • Prelude: Ave Verum Corpus (vamp)
  • Parents: Ode to Joy
  • Wedding Party: Cannon in D
  • Bride & Father: Bridal Chorus
  • Responsorial Psalm: 128
  • Gospel Acclamation: Celtic Alleluia
  • Mass Parts: Mass of Creation
  • Unity Candle: Instrumental Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
  • Preparation of the Gifts: Taste & See
  • Sign of Peace: Prayer of St. Francis
  • Communion: Panis Angelicus
  • Prayer before Mary: Schubert's Ave Maria
  • Recessional: Wedding March
  • Postlude: Allegro Maestro from Water Music

Monday, July 13, 2009

Online RSVP Now Open and Registries Posted

Invites have officially been sent and the online RSVP is now open. Please wait until you receive your invite to RSVP. If possible we request that you RSVP on or before August 1st. As noted in the RSVP form, e-mail if you have any questions.

Also, I've posted our list of Gift Registries on the site so you don't need to dig through the historic posts or poke at random department stores to find them.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Crate and Barrel Registry Official

Alrighty, I've added enough to the Crate & Barrel registry at this point to make it worth looking at. For some reason I still haven't been able to coerce Laura into making any choices on there so I've just been going hog-wild picking stuff out on my own.

More stuff will be added I'm sure and a couple items might change once Laura actually looks at this thing, but for the most part it should be stable. In the next week or so I'll be putting up the official registry page on this site so that you don't have to poke through the posts for links to said registries.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Crate and Barrel Registry Started

Laura and I have been meaning to start gift registries at Crate & Barrel to go along with our Target gift registry, but with the move and work and other such activities time has simply not availed itself. In the spirit of pro-activity I've gone ahead and started a registry on Crate & Barrel's site. I'll link it in here when it's more complete (though if you want to look at it I suppose you could just search for our names) since right now all I've put on there are bar accessories.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Setting Up

While this has absolutely nothing to do with the wedding I figured I'd post about the furniture we just bought for our new place in Springfield. After a full day of shopping we settled on a very nice, VERY comfortable couch/1.5chair/ottoman combo. As an added bonus, the ottoman is a "storage ottoman" meaning it opens up and has storage space inside of it. I was going to post a picture of the 1.5 chair here but couldn't find the right fabric online, so the picture I posted is the correct chair but with different fabric.

All in all a solid find, though I must admit it's a little weird buying legitimate furniture. Even stranger, I ran into an old friend from high school shortly thereafter. Ahh Springfield, you never cease to amaze me.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Menu Selection Process

From 7:45 - 20:00 pm CST, Laura and I tasted the various appetizer and meal selections we have available to us at the reception hall. The process was much more epic than I had anticipated. We basically ate 4-5 meals and had 4 bottles of wine offered to us. We also got to watch a couple receptions going on from behind tinted windows in our private tasting room which I can only assume will serve as an ample 3rd person view into our own reception. Anywhoo, before I bore the group with the details of the experience, here are the final results:


There will be 9 selections circulating during the hour before dinner. These selections include meat balls, sausage, steak skewers, chicken and pineapple skewers, cream cheese puffs, and spinach puffs (these were items tasted tonight, there are a few others, including bacon wrapped dates which I'm pretty pumped about).

Soup & Salad:

A house salad with mixed greens and dressing will be served along side a tortellini soup prior to dinner.

Dinner Wine:

A bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and Pino Grigio will be delivered to each table prior to dinner.

Dinner Choices:

Fillet Mignon: A tender fillet served with a rich bordelaise sauce.

Chicken Florentine: A center cut chicken breast stuffed with feta cheese and spices served with a cream sauce

(Note: Contrary to all conventional wisdom, I actually suggest the chicken. We tasted it tonight and it was excellent. The cheese spice blend is ideal and the fact that the breast is stuffed greatly reduces the risk of it being over-done).


While we have not finalized the design, the cake itself will be a carrot cake (because honestly, who doesn't love carrot cake) with a vanilla cream filling.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New & Improved Website!

Paul and I just added a ton of info to our wedding website including event details, accommodations information, things to do in the area, etc... Check it out and we can't wait to see you on 10/10/09!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Target Gift Registry Up

Target Registry

Until I get the Gift Registry List up and running on the site, I'll be posting links to the individual registries on the news feed as we create them.

A couple weekends back Laura and I ventured out to Target to create our first wedding registry. They have a pretty impressive setup there, nicely integrated with their online presence. As you'd expect you wander about the store with a red gun shooting tags of things that you want. You can then log onto later to update your registry and add/remove items.

Luckily I chose the user name and password for the registry so, when Laura started tagging a bunch of odd fake plants I was able to hop online and remove them, leaving one fake orchid which she seemed really dead set on keeping.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Site Launch

I've finally had enough random moments of spare time to get an Alpha version of the site put together. We'll call this bad boy a1.0. For those of you following the progress of the WebLogic framework on Recursive-Living, you'll be happy to know that a part of the Alpha of WebLogic was used for this page as well. In fact, it's the part you're reading right now. The WebLogic framework is being used to pull in the data from an external data feed (in this case the Atom feed from this blog) process it, and place it on the page.

One note, for those of you interested in the latest and greatest information about the site, subscribing to this blog's RSS is the best way to go. Any updates I make to the site will be posted about herein so you'll be sure to get them.
