Saturday, April 30, 2011

Glenview House

The Glenview House, originally established in 1878, recently re-opened under new ownership and after undergoing major interior renovation.  We had not visited the site prior to its closure but being that it's within walking distance of our current place of residence, we decided to patronize it last evening.

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Laura being the rather boring and glutton free eater that she is got a wedge salad.  I on the other hand had what I would dare say was the best burger I have had in my life.  Consider the following:
Braised Short Ribs, prime rib, and chuck, ground and formed into a healthy half pound + burger, and topped with black truffle mayo, fontina cheese, and served with brioche.
That is the Three Beef Burger, too good to be called a sandwich, served locally at the aforementioned Glenview House.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Laura and some fava beans after this mornings Wrigley 5k. Running for Childrens Home And Aid, she came in with a 33:44 time, and was still breathing at the end.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Picked up a library card at our relatively new public library. Off hand I can not remember the last time I went to, let alone checked out a book at, a library.