Friday, March 27, 2009

Target Gift Registry Up

Target Registry

Until I get the Gift Registry List up and running on the site, I'll be posting links to the individual registries on the news feed as we create them.

A couple weekends back Laura and I ventured out to Target to create our first wedding registry. They have a pretty impressive setup there, nicely integrated with their online presence. As you'd expect you wander about the store with a red gun shooting tags of things that you want. You can then log onto later to update your registry and add/remove items.

Luckily I chose the user name and password for the registry so, when Laura started tagging a bunch of odd fake plants I was able to hop online and remove them, leaving one fake orchid which she seemed really dead set on keeping.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Site Launch

I've finally had enough random moments of spare time to get an Alpha version of the site put together. We'll call this bad boy a1.0. For those of you following the progress of the WebLogic framework on Recursive-Living, you'll be happy to know that a part of the Alpha of WebLogic was used for this page as well. In fact, it's the part you're reading right now. The WebLogic framework is being used to pull in the data from an external data feed (in this case the Atom feed from this blog) process it, and place it on the page.

One note, for those of you interested in the latest and greatest information about the site, subscribing to this blog's RSS is the best way to go. Any updates I make to the site will be posted about herein so you'll be sure to get them.
